66 Anderson Street New Haven, CT 06511 | 203 823-9040


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Lee Marlow is a Fellow of
the American Academy of
Matrimonial Lawyers


Divorce Attorney Serving Clients in New Haven, Milford, Bridgeport and throughout Connecticut

Disputes involving custody of children, rights to property and financial issues including alimony can be stressful and difficult. When you require legal action to resolve these disputes, it makes sense to choose an attorney who will fight hard for you but still be sensitive to the needs of your family.

Lee Marlow, Counsellor at Law, can handle all family and matrimonial disputes including high net worth divorce. He provides reasonable and effective advice and representation so clients can resolve important custodial and financial matters that arise during a divorce.

Lee Marlow has more than 40 years of legal experience and has represented hundreds of clients in the Connecticut courts. He is an accomplished litigator with the command of the Connecticut Rules of Evidence, necessary for success at trial. He can be your vigorous legal advocate, whether your case is resolved through negotiations or at trial. See credentials.

Attorney Lee Marlow focuses on the following practice areas:

  • Divorce, from complex, high net worth divorce to simple uncontested divorces
  • Arbitration, Mediation and Legal Coaching
  • Agreements, including prenuptial agreements, divorce settlements and separation agreements
  • Spousal Support and Alimony

See more Practice Areas.

For more information or to discuss your circumstances with a compassionate and capable CT family law attorney,
call Lee Marlow at 203 823-9040 or go to Contact page.